Monday, December 21, 2009

Aspirin Mask Anyone?

Yes yes yawl it's that time again! The time of year that my skin grows immune to what ever creams and cleansers currently in use. SOOOO Back to the drawing board with the same issues just a lil better! Ok so I got this ginourmous nose pimple! Yes people a nose pimple! I felt it under the skin and had to take some action before it came to a head. This time around I went for the aspirin mask this time. Here is the recipe that stopped my nose pimple in it's tracks!

One clean glass shot glass
One aspirin
Three drops of tea tree oil
one drop of rubbing alcohol
one tooth pic

Put all of the above in a shot glass and stir with the tooth pic until the pill is dissolved. Then with a clean finger apply the mix to your pimple and let it dry. Leave it on for 10 min, do this twice a day until you feel like the pimple is no longer under the skin. Hopefully it wont come to a head.


Sunday, July 26, 2009

Another Review Ladies!

As you ladies already know I am obsessed with my clogged PORES! I hate looking at my nose up close because my pores are so clogged and full of gunk and to be honest...Sometimes I just get tired of extracting them with my knuckles because 1 it can't be sanitary and 2 It hurts!!!! So I picked up some Biore Ultra Deep Cleansing Pore Strips at my Local Walgreens. Of course we've all tried them in the past and had various results but I decided to give it another go for the sake of my pore nose.

I half way expected them to not work but to my surprise they worked really well!. The trick it to make sure your nose is wet enough. The first time only the blackheads on one side of my nose came out because the other wasn't wet enough. The trick is to make sure your nose is wet and even sprinkle a little water on the strip itself to make sure the *glue* gets saturated enough to adhere to what ever surface you're trying to rid of gunk.

I do have pictures but my camera SUCKS so it wouldn't pick up the clogged pores on my nose so I'll just post picks of the strips.


* Make sure the strip dries completely or it wont remove ANY blackheads.
* Make sure you don't just rip it off like some type of crazy person. Gently and slowly peel the strip off while holding the surrounding skin taut.

* Don't put toooo much water or all the glue will be left on your face and these things are too hot damn expensive to waste making dump mistakes! like i did shhhhhh! Don't tell NOBODY!


Saturday, July 18, 2009

AcneFree Terminator 10

Here is the long awaited review on product from the newest OTC acne treatment line called AcneFree. You can find the whole AcneFree line at your local CVS drug store. I recently had a mild hormonal break out, and though it was mild I was hormonal and those three pimples straight pissed me off. Sent me waaaaaay over the edge to the point where I was willing to use battery acid as a spot treatment, as long as it was guaranteed to WORK! Soooooo instead of cracking the hood of my bf's car I went down to my local CVS cruising for the cure to these ugle ass pimple that made their home on my tiny face.

Walking down the acne treatment isle I grew increasingly agitated at the lack of product variety, just the usual big brands that don't work for me..........Until I spotted the bright orange boxes out of the corner of my eye....There it was....THE only spot treatment in the isle PERIOD... AcneFree Terminator 10 medicated spot treatment! I snatched it up and went on my way. The box read that it contained 10% benzyl peroxide that was time released throughout the day.

I followed the directions on the box and three days later the pimples were dried out. Not really my idea of a supercalafragalistic spot treatment but it worked well enough on those pimple that had already sprouted up fully before starting the treatment. It worked in two days on some bumps I felt under the skin which was a big plus...Over all I give this cream a 4.5 out of 5!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Essence of Beauty Gentle Brush Cleaner!

After over a year I finally stopped being lazy and bought some "Official" Makeup brush cleaner. Before I was using Johnsons Baby soap to clean my brushes and it worked well for the time I've used it. A few weeks ago I was in CVS and peeped the Essence of Beauty Line in the makeup isle and saw the brush cleaner. Of course the price was right so I got it. When I got home I cleaned my brushed according the the directions on the bottle. I sprayed each brush with the cleaner and then ran warm water over them until the water ran clean. I then wiped them gently with a paper towel to make sure that the makeup was completely washed away from each brush. I then set them to dry.

The brushes came out soft and clean, My brush hairs very from badger hair, squirrel hair " odd right?", to synthetic fibers and they all came out soft and clean with no shedded hairs which was good. If you're looking for inexpensive brushes and brush cleaner Go to your local CVS or visit and check out their Essence of Beauty line, I can assure you you wont be disappointed!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Another review!!!!! ROCCCCC!

Here for another skin care review ladies!!!!
This time I am experimenting with home microdermabrasion kits. I wanted to do something about all my acne scars and clogged pores that was a bit more potent that bleaching creams but mo
re suttle than a full fledged chemical peel or professional microdermabrasion. I began searching the net for the most gentle yet effective kit, while I came across what seemed to be very effective home kits; I was still skeptical because there were no reviews about those products effectiveness on African skin. I searched high and low until I can across a review on Makeupalley, most of the reviews were from women of color which gave me instant comfort. It didn't hurt that the price was very right, at $10.00 per pack of 24 dual sided pads, Roc Microderm Cleansing Pads began to sound better and better by the second.

The pads are about 2 1/2 to three inches across and six inches in circumference, the pad has a pocket that you slip your index and middle finger into. One side has the microdermabrasion crystals on it and the other side has a diamond conditioning side. The conditioning side is soft and when wet feels like it's soaked in lotion. What you do is rise your face with warm water, slip your fingers into the pocket and massage the crystallized side into your face and neck first then flip the pad over and wet the diamond conditioning side and smooth into face and neck. Rinse and toss the pad in the trash, simple and easy.

The container says the pads are clinicaly proven to reduce fine lines and wrinkles but what impressed me is their ability to soften my acne scars in a matter of weeks which is what I was looking for. While these pasds didn't do much for my clogged pores it got me off to a good start. These pads will leave your skin glowing and vibrant, they also softened my little wrinkles I had on my forehead from frowning often. All in all I will say that Roc Dai
ly Microdermabrasion CLEASING DISK are well worth the money.

Next I will be trying out Oil of Olay's Microdermabr
asion & Peel System.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Edge uptade

Emu Oil for stretch marks.

So if you ladies read my long post about emu oil and it's benefits then you would know that I did promise you guys that I would document my journey. So here is the first picture of my stretch marks. Well some of them anyway. I will come back and add some pics of my scars that I'm trying to fade as well. My regimen with Emu oil will simply be to apply it to the scars and stretch marks for 12 months. I did promise weekly updates in my last post but I'm changing that to monthly because I don't want to become obsessive . So today will be my official starting date June 26,2009.
These are some stretch marks from my thigh.


This is a burn mark from the back of my left leg that I got when I was younger it has definitely gotten smaller and has faded a bit but it's still here and I don't like it.


This one is a burn scar from like the 5th grade that has gotten smaller and lighter but I want it GONE!!!


So these are the three main things that I want to fade with the emu oil and have been trying like hell to fade with bleaching creams like Palmers Skin Success and Nadinola extra strength. While these have worked well in aiding in the fading process. I am leery about the chemicals that are in those products. After finding out that your skin absorbs 60% of what you put on it I was really ready for a natural alternitive. Lets hope emu oil does the trick!

More info on emu oil